Schedule of Fees

Fees are subject to review each year. Fees shown below may only be for current year.

Enrolment Application Fee 

This fee is paid when the enrolment application form is lodged and is non-refundable.

Enrolment Confirmation Fee 

$2,000 is paid upon acceptance of an offer.

This fee is paid upon accepting an offer and is non-refundable and non-transferable should you wish to cancel the enrolment.


Tuition Fees 2024

Year Level Payment 1 Payment 2 Payment 3 Total per annum
Years 5 and 6 $3,668.00 $3,666.00 $3,666.00 $11,000
Years 7 to 12 $4,300.00 $4,300.00 $4,300.00 $12,900
Due Date 30/1/2024 26/4/2024 18/7/2024

Tuition fees include the following components:

  • Years 5 and 6 Tuition fees, Activities fee, 24 hr Accident Insurance cover, supply of a College Diary and the College Annual.
  • Years 7 to 10 Tuition fees, ISA membership fee, 24 hr Accident Insurance cover, the supply of a College Diary and the College Annual.
  • Years 11 and 12 Tuition fees, ISA membership fees, Trial HSC papers (Yr 12), 24 hr Accident Insurance cover, Old Boy membership, the supply of a College Diary and the College Annual.

Please note: Tuition fees may rise substantially in future years due to changes in government funding policies. 

In addition to the Tuition Fees are the following Fees:

Resource Fees

Year Level Fee per year
Years 5 and 6 $750
Years 7 to 12 $650

To enhance the overall teaching and learning for the boys a Resource Fee is charged to provide for Information Communications Technology (ICT).  With five full time staff the ICT department supports over 1300 devices. ICT support the interactive screens in all classrooms, the College website, software development, ICT infrastructure, computers for every member of the teaching and support staff, and filming for lives streams and events.

The Resource Fee includes a technology access fee, copyright and printing fees.  The fee will appear on Term 1 statements.

Personal Learning Devices (PLD’s) provided to students must be treated with care and should be returned in the same condition they were received.  (see PLD Agreement for details). Should any students misuse or lose a PLD, there is a $100 per incident excess. Payable via Clipboard to commence repair.

Other Fees

Item Details Annual Fee 2024
PLD’s PLD Year 5 $650
PLD Year 6 $650
PLD Year 7 $590
PLD Year 8 $590
PLD Year 9 $533
PLD Year 10 $590
PLD Year 11 $590
PLD Year 12 $522
Music Lessons
Instrumental & Vocal
Parents are charged directly by music tutors on a per term basis. These fees do not appear on College fee notices. Instrumental lessons are set at $50 per ½ hour. $550 per term (max 11 weeks)
Instrument Hire A wide range of musical instruments are owned and maintained by the College. Payable via Clipboard. $300
Cocurricular Individual sports may require a participation fee to cover costs of association membership and relevant equipment. Charged per activity. Payable via Clipboard. $350
Class Camps and Sundry Items
Each year group and curriculum area has various costs in relation to excursions, incursions, retreats and camps for which fees are charged. Charges as determined
P & F Association In place of past fundraising activities such as the annual art show, fete and working bees the P&F charge a levy to fund various projects for the benefit of students. Charged per family. Ìý$200
Building Fund To assist the College towards its long term maintenance and development of property and infrastructure families are asked to make a Tax Deductible donation to the Building Fund. $930

Fees Policy

Tuition fee statements are emailed monthly and payment is due 14 days after the statement date. A late fee administration fee of $110 may apply if payment is not received by the due date. The College policy is to pursue all fees outstanding, including any costs incurred in the debt recovery process. All fees for Years 5 – 12 are payable by instalments each year. Payment is due by the due date unless other arrangements have been agreed to by the Finance Office.

It is a condition of enrolment that all financial obligations are honoured.

Sibling Discount:

When more than one son is attending St Pius X, the following discounts apply to the tuition fee component only:

  • 2nd son – 10%
  • 3rd son – 20%
  • 4th son – 20%


One term’s notice, in writing, must be given for withdrawal of a student. In the absence of such notice the equivalent of a full term’s fees plus 10% GST will be charged.

Fee Discounts:

The College assumes that you appreciate the importance of the payment of school fees. The College is not in a position to offer discounts other than sibling discounts (see Schedule of Fees for details). Our fee structure for such a large and well resourced College is quite low by the standards of most Catholic Independent schools.

Billings & Payments

Fee statements are emailed out before the start of each term.  Payment can be made via BPAY from a bank account or from a credit card via the . To further facilitate payment a standing authority for the College to charge a credit card may be completed which will allow the College to effect payment on the due dates.

The College currently does not impose a surcharge on payment via credit card. Credit cards accepted: Visa, MasterCard and American Express.