
There are four types of scholarships that come under Enrichment

Phillip Riley Memorial Scholarship

This is a scholarship awarded to a Year 11 student for contribution to the life of the College. It covers $5,000 of tuition fees for each of Years 11 and 12 and is determined by the Principal. Payment of fees is paid directly by the Riley family.

Number available: 1 Determined by: Principal
Eligibility: Year 11 Frequency: Annually
Value per student: $5000 Year 11
$5000 Year 12
Application: N/A

Old Boys’ Association Scholarship

The SMµ÷½ÌÉçÇø Old Boys’ Association (OBA) directly funds a scholarship to a Year 11 student to cover full tuition fees for Year 11 and 12. It is determined by the Old Boys’ Association from recommendations by the Principal.

It is awarded to “worthy all rounders” taking into account perceived economic need and performance at the College in the areas of sound academic record; character and leadership ability; and strength in co-curricular activities.

Number available: 1 Determined by: OBA
Eligibility: Year 11 Frequency: Annually
Value per student: Full tuition fees for Years 11 and 12 Application: N/A

Indigenous Education Scholarship

The College offers Edmund Rice Scholarships to Indigenous students seeking entry into the College. It is open to students seeking enrolment into the College, who show a commitment to learning and an ability to contribute to the life of the College.

Number available: Determined annually Determined by: College Scholarship Committee
Eligibility: Enrolling Indigenous students in all Years Frequency: Reviewed every two years
Value per student: Full tuition fees Application: By letter to the Principal

Refugee Scholarship

The College offers Edmund Rice Scholarships to Refugee students seeking entry into the College. It is open to students seeking enrolment into the College, who show a commitment to learning and an ability to contribute to the life of the College.

Number available: Determined annually Determined by: College Scholarship Committee
Eligibility: Enrolling students in all Years who are refugees from another country Frequency: Reviewed every two years
Value per student: Full tuition fees Application: By letter to the Principal